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Tagalog is nothing in Hong Kong? 

Living in a Cantonese-dominant city, both Filipino domestic helpers and residential Filipinos found it difficult to use their home language, Tagalog, as a medium of communication with local Hong Kong people. Tagalog is the national language of the Philippines that Filipinos in Hong Kong are mostly found to use it with their close friends only. This situation is due to the small ratio of residential Filipinos in Hong Kong, whereas the majority of Filipino domestic helpers would find it worthless to learn Cantonese since they have no intention to stay in Hong Kong permanently.

However, it does not mean that Tagalog is nothing at all in Hong Kong.

In terms of Sociolinguistic, language of a speaker reflects his/her membership of a certain group with their linguistic forms, style and language choice. 
There is no doubt that Tagalog receives lower recognition in Hong Kong, it is a still repertoire among Filipino speakers. Most of us might not have clear concept of how Tagalog sounds like, but with the usage and performance of Filipinos in Hong Kong, we can determine their identity on one hand, it is also possible to see how Tagalog helps Filipinos maintain their cultural identity and distance themselves from local Hong Kong community.


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